Bells Auditions

Auditions Introduction, Membership Requirements, and Application Process


The Bells at Temple Square is a nationally recognized handbell ensemble. They are one of the 4 ensembles (Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra, Chorale and Bells at Temple Square) in the Tabernacle Choir Organization who serve as ambassadors of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They have been featured in local concerts, and at national handbell events sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America. They most recently appeared in the 2023 National HMA National Seminar and headlined the 2024 Area 11 Festival.

Bell musicians possess a distinctive set of musical abilities not held by the general membership of the Church. They have invested hours of practice time, developing the art of handbell ringing. Special focus is placed on music/rhythm reading and handbell technique. The members of The Bells at Temple Square are musicians who strive for superior musical performance. They come from varied backgrounds and vocations, but share the common goal of sharing music through the unique genre of handbell performance.

Membership Requirements

Members of The Bells at Temple Square:

Are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

  • Are between 20 and 50 years of age.
  • Hold a current temple recommend and are recommended by their home ward bishop.
  • Commit to serve a minimum of five years.
  • Missionaries assigned to serve in the Tabernacle Choir Organization.
  • Comport themselves in a manner consistent with service as a set-apart missionary.
  • Agree that service in the Bells is the member’s primary Church calling.
  • Attend ninety percent (90%) of Bells events.
  • Reside within 100 miles of Temple Square at the time of application and during Bells membership.
  • Are in good physical and emotional health.
  • Attend weekly rehearsals on Wednesday evenings 7:00p-9:30p.
  • Perform in each performance, including but not limited to 2 yearly concerts (June and November), Utah Spring Ring (March), scheduled Music and the Spoken Word performances (approx. 6 per year) and Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concerts (December). Additional performances and touring should be expected.

Application and Audition Process

The application and audition process has four steps:

Interested musicians are asked to participate in open auditions to qualify for membership in the Bells at Temple Square. Auditions are typically held in February. Applications will become available in January. Applicants whose ages are between 20-45 may audition. A minimum of five years of service to the organization is expected. Qualified applicants should have excellent music reading skill, have previous handbell experience and/or have experience with one other musical instrument.

  1. Application – An applicant completes the the following application:
    Bells on Temple Square Application
  2. Applicant sends the full application form and current photo to:
  3. Bishop’s Recommendation – The applicants bishop will be contacted for an ecclesiastical endorsement.
  4. Live Audition – If the application is approved, the applicant will be invited to attend live auditions. These auditions are held three (3) consecutive Saturdays in February. Auditions will include instructional information about handbell ringing and observations of each applicant’s knowledge, music reading and skill. Each week of the audition will last approx. three (3) hours, for a total of nine (9) hours audition time. Auditions are held at the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.
  5. Interview and Potential Call – If the applicant is approved by Bell leadership for further consideration, the applicant is asked to meet with a member of the presidency of The Tabernacle Choir Temple Square for interview and potential call.

    New members of the Bells at Temple Square are set apart as missionaries by the Choir presidency at a convenient time following the issuance of a call to serve.